Our Services
With compassion and professionalism, Coastside Adult Day Health Center offers a comprehensive, structured day health care program with all-inclusive services individualized for each participant.
Nursing and Personal Care
A full-time Registered Nurse is on site every day to monitor vital signs, provide daily health assessments, medication management and teaching, blood pressure checks, glucose monitoring if applicable, personal care, and advocates and coordinates with physicians and families.
Pet Therapy
Our resident furry therapists can turn any frown upside down. The ability to verbally communicate with others can be taken away as one's dementia progresses. When words lose their meaning, animals can bridge this communication gap.
Physical Therapy
Our Physical Therapist provides personalized therapeutic maintenance programs and group exercise classes to maintain mobility and strengthen endurance; promoting a sense of well-being and continued health.
Transportation Services
From your front door to ours and back again! You can relax and leave the driving to us. We can accommodate all forms of personal mobility and assistive devices. Safety is our primary concern, and we assist all clients to and from the Center.
Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapist performs assessments, develops an individual care plan, provides therapy and education that promotes ongoing support in activities of daily living. Our goal is to keep people as independent as possible as the aging process progresses.
Speech Therapy
A Speech Language Pathologist is on staff to assess and treat participants needing help with swallowing, simple and complex verbal expression, auditory processing, voice changes, and poor speech intelligibility.
Nutrition Education and Counseling
Registered Dietitician performs nutritional assessments and counseling, oversees the meal program, presents health topics, and provides 1:1 support for meal planning to our clients.
Clinical Social Work Services
Caregiver Support Group, private clinical consultation, benefits counseling, community support services linkage, ongoing mental status testing and monitoring, crisis intervention, home and family systems assessment, traumatic event debriefing and psychological first aid.
Alzheimer's Program
DescriptiTailored activities for those with Alzheimer's or related dementia; special programs including a monthly Caregiver Support Group. Families, caregivers and their loved ones come to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a chance to socialize in a comfortable, non-judgmental atmosphere. We are a Music and Memory© certified provider. The Music and Memory Program helps people who suffer from a wide range of cognitive and physical challenges to find renewed meaning and connection in their lives through the gift of personalized music. For more information on this exciting and promising program: www.musicandmemory.org.
Stimulating Group Activities
Led by our Activity Director, participants enjoy an individualized activity program that considers each person's preferences and strengths. We believe strongly in personal choice and are always adding dynamic new ideas. We tailor activities to be at times stimulating, and at times relaxing. We offer arts and crafts, puzzles, "brain games" bingo, blackjack, ping pong, basketball, chair sports, live music, dancing, sing-a-longs, pet therapy, and a weekly spirituality group.
Special Events
Celebration is a big part of Coastside Adult Day Health Center culture. Celebrations are numerous and include: observance of cultural holidays, visits from community organizations and schools, an annual luau with hula dancers, holiday parties, birthday celebrations, and a weekly ice cream social.
Caregiver Support Group
This group is for anyone who seeks a safe place to meet with others who are caring for family members or other persons with cognitive deficits or decline. Caregiving can be profoundly isolating, and the feelings that arise from its challenges are multi-layered and can be overwhelming. We meet the first Friday of every month from 12:30pm to 2:00pm. The group is facilitated by our licensed clinical social worker and features engaging and timely guest speakers. Refreshments are served. To be included in our caregiver mailing list please email Michelle Marschall, MSW at michellemarschallsw.cadhc@gmail.com or call 650-726-5067.
You are not alone. Come and hear how others have encountered the challenges you thought were yours and yours alone. We will also help you rediscover the sense of humor you thought was long gone. We promise.
We accept HPSM/Kaiser Medi-Cal, Long-term Care Insurance and Veteran’s benefits. Private pay fees are based on a sliding scale.